Arab Rule in Pakistan

(A Historical Study of the Rashideen and Umayyad Eras)


  • Dr. Moqeet Javed Professor of Arabic, Oriental College University of the Punjab, Lahore Author


In the aftermath of the advent of Islam, the Arabs emerged as “empire builders” and started expanding their state in every direction, from the Atlantic to the Indus and from the Caspian to the Nile. As they conquered Iranian Empire in the Caliphate of Hazrat Umar, their next target should have naturally been the land of Sindh (now called Pakistan) which was made by the Iranians as western boundary of their Empire. But it took decades to establish political hold of the Arabs in the Sindh.


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How to Cite

Arab Rule in Pakistan: (A Historical Study of the Rashideen and Umayyad Eras). (2024). Rooh-e-Tahqeeq, 2(3), 3-16.