Publication Ethics

"ROOH-E-TAHQEEQ" is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and integrity in the dissemination of scholarly research in the field of Literature and Literary Theory. We adhere to the following principles and guidelines to ensure the credibility, transparency, and integrity of our journal's publishing practices:

  1. Integrity and Originality:

We expect all submissions to be the original work of the authors and to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity. Plagiarism, data fabrication, and falsification are unacceptable and constitute unethical behavior. Authors are responsible for acknowledging and citing sources appropriately and disclosing any potential conflicts of interest.

  1. Peer Review Process:

We conduct a rigorous double-blind peer-review process to evaluate the quality, significance, and validity of submitted manuscripts. Reviewers are selected based on their expertise and impartiality, and they provide constructive feedback to authors to improve the quality of their work. Reviewers' identities are kept confidential, and they are expected to disclose any conflicts of interest that may compromise their impartiality.

  1. Authorship and Contributorship:

Authorship credit should be based on substantial contributions to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the research study. All individuals who have made significant contributions to the manuscript should be listed as authors, while those who have provided support or assistance without meeting the criteria for authorship should be acknowledged appropriately. Authors are expected to ensure the accuracy and integrity of their work and to disclose all sources of funding and potential conflicts of interest.

  1. Transparency and Disclosure:

We are committed to transparency in our editorial processes and decision-making. Editors and reviewers are expected to disclose any conflicts of interest that may influence their judgments, and authors are encouraged to provide full disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest or financial affiliations that may affect the interpretation or dissemination of their research.

  1. Corrections and Retractions:

In cases of errors, inaccuracies, or ethical concerns identified after publication, we will promptly investigate and take appropriate corrective action. This may include issuing corrections, retractions, or expressions of concern as necessary to rectify the scholarly record and maintain the integrity of our journal.

  1. Data and Reproducibility:

Authors should provide sufficient detail and transparency in their manuscripts to enable others to reproduce the results of their research. Raw data should be made available upon request, and authors should comply with relevant data sharing and transparency standards to promote reproducibility and accountability in scientific research.

  1. Editorial Independence:

Editors and editorial board members are expected to exercise editorial independence and impartiality in their decision-making processes. Editorial decisions are based solely on the quality, significance, and relevance of the manuscript to the journal's scope and objectives, without regard to factors such as the authors' identity, institutional affiliation, or commercial interests.

  1. Confidentiality:

We respect the confidentiality of all individuals involved in the peer-review and publication process, including authors, reviewers, and editorial staff. Manuscripts under review are treated as confidential documents, and reviewers are expected to maintain the confidentiality of the peer-review process and refrain from disclosing information about the manuscript or their review without permission.

By adhering to these publication ethics guidelines, "ROOH-E-TAHQEEQ" is committed to fostering a culture of integrity, transparency, and accountability in the dissemination of scholarly research in Literature and Literary Theory. We encourage authors, reviewers, and readers to uphold these principles and contribute to the advancement of knowledge with integrity and professionalism.